Sunday, February 23, 2020

The Sacrament of the Altar: But What If I Don't Believe This? - Part 1

But what if you are having a hard time believing that God would accomplish the forgiveness of sins through eating and drinking?  (To say nothing of WHAT we are eating and drinking!  That's a whole other issue, and we'll get to that next.)  If someone can't quite bring themselves to believe it, can they commune anyway?

The short answer is:  Yes and no.  I know - that's not helpful!  So let me explain...

God's Word is very clear.  This cup is the covenant in His blood for the forgiveness of sins.  It is not forgiveness for drinking wine; it's forgiveness because this eating and this drinking have been tied to Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary's cross by God's Word.  Consequently, the Reformers gave this answer:  "That person is truly worthy and well prepared [to receive this sacrament] who has faith in these words: 'Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins.'"

That said, they also added this:  "But anyone who does not believe these words or doubts them is unworthy and unprepared, for the words 'for you' require all hearts to believe."

Sounds like the answer is "no," right?  And that's the simplest answer.  But I want to offer two additional thoughts:

1.  What if "someone can't quite bring themselves to believe it"?  That's part of the problem!  We want it to make sense and it doesn't.  So let me ask you this:  Do you believe that God COULD do it this way if He so chooses?  When I put it that way, most people will admit that the answer is "yes."  So the question isn't your faith in what God CAN do!  You trust Him to do what He will.  You're question is what He DOES do and what He SAYS He will do.

2.  If you want to know what He DOES do or WILL do, what else do you have to go by except His Word?

Rather than wanting it to "make sense," ask that God will grant you faith to trust the things He says and does that DON'T make sense!

If you can honestly pray "Lord, I'm having a hard time believing this.  But I want to.  Help my unbelief!", then I urge you to participate in the Supper.  That is a disciple's prayer of repentance; the blessings of the Supper are meant for Jesus' disciples.

On the other hand:  If you say "I don't believe it, and until it makes sense to me, I won't believe it.", then I urge you to refrain from receiving the Supper.  Remain in your pew or come to the rail to receive a blessing by crossing your arms.

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